The Thriving Classroom: Questioning & Discussion

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This 2-part series takes our most common classroom strategies–questioning and discussing–and propels them to the next level! Are conversations falling flat? Are you asking leading questions? This mini-series will freshen up your toolkit to increase learning and engagement for you and your students.


Included Sessions

It’s been said that instructing Outward Bound is the art of asking questions. Questions are what make an experience, brief or long, into more than merely a happening. Not all questions are created equal. This session helps to identify reasons for inquiry, patterns in questioning, and methods for devising questions.  Participants will develop questions that engage, challenge and lead to deeper learning and awareness.  

Good learning is sticky! Sticky is not about answers, and it is neither fast nor efficient. It is about productive struggle and meaning making, most often connecting in conversation with other people. Promoting Discussion helps us to create a culture of back and forth dialogue. It provides methods for facilitation and practice to help with both planned and improvised discussion. Discussion promotes and can even become its own social-emotional skill.