Does Popularity Matter?
MATERIALS Ability to show TEDtalk Writing/Notetaking supplies LESSON STEP BY STEP 1. Instruct students to divide their paper in half and sketch an image of a “popular” person on one side and a “likeable” person on the other. 2. Students pair-share their ideas. Ask: What are the differences between them, what are the similarities? 3…. READ MORE >
Card Race
MATERIALS Deck of Cards Stopwatch or Timer for timekeeping LESSON STEP BY STEP 1.Introduce the goal of this activity: for the group to lay down the cards in numerical order as quickly as possible. 2. Share with students that you will pass out cards face down, and on your mark they can begin. Allow for… READ MORE >
Choose Your Own Adventure
Rock, Leaf, Stick Reflection
MATERIALS Rock Leaf Stick That will be passed around by the group LESSON STEP BY STEP 1. Invite students to gather in a circle. 2. Pass the items around one by one (or all together) using the follow prompts: Rock: Something I rocked at, or am proud of, during the expedition was… Leaf: Something I… READ MORE >
Revisiting Leadership
MATERIALS • Student generated a list of leadership qualities from a previous lesson. You may have done this activty with students during the Introducing Leadership lesson. LESSON STEP BY STEP 1. Explain to the group that you’re going to look back on some of the ideas they came up with during the pre-work lessons on… READ MORE >
MATERIALS Giving and Receiving Feedback Handout LESSON STEP BY STEP 1. Have the group circle up. 2. Review or create expectations or agreements for peer feedback. This is an important step—and may take a bit of time. Use the Feedback Handout as a guide for this step. You can print and hand out the resource… READ MORE >
Teammates Consult
MATERIALS Writing paper for each student Cup or container for each group Question Bank Discussion Prompts (for the facilitator) LESSON STEP BY STEP 1. Explain to students that they will take part in a reflection routine with several phases: Phase 1: Introduction to the Prompt Phase 2: Group Discussion (refer to any group discussion norms… READ MORE >
Reflection Squares
MATERIALS Paper Drawing Supplies (i.e. Markers, colored pencils) LESSON STEP BY STEP 1. Students should fold the paper in quarters. 2. Instruct students to use each ‘square’ for a leadership trait that they know about themselves—and that they exhibited it on the expedition. 3. Students should sketch/draw their ideas and examples in each square. 4…. READ MORE >
Positive Gossip
MATERIALS Music to play in the background Paper (for the written variation) LESSON STEP BY STEP 1. Circle up the group, with a chair in the middle of the circle. 2. Explain to the group that this activity is a way to acknowledge the positive qualities that each member of the group brings. 3. Have… READ MORE >