Community Circle: We All Float On

HIGHLIGHTING THE PARTNERSHIPS AND PEOPLE MAKING AN IMPACT IN OUR COMMUNITY Every year, staff from Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School serve as critically important safety paddlers at Waterfront Partnership’s Baltimore Floatilla, an annual 5 mile kayaking paddle in the inner harbor. The Floatilla was created to advocate for better recreational water access and to highlight… READ MORE >

Data on the Horizon

This past fall we partnered with Listen for Good, an organization dedicated to promoting high-quality listening and equity-driven feedback practices across social-serving organizations. Thank you to 65+ educators across our expedition and insight programming who submitted feedback after completing a program with their students this past fall.  Our partnering schools and educators play vital roles… READ MORE >

Staff Training at Movement Gym

On Tuesday, staff from Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School (CBOBS) travelled to Movement climbing gym in Crystal City, VA. Located on the border with D.C , the gym will allow CBOBS to incorporate a key component of our curriculum into our growing DC day programs: rope elements. At our Leakin Park location, team belay activities… READ MORE >

Incorporating Purpose Driven Leadership into Your Work

Why Join Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School as a Board Member Adding purpose into your life and work is associated with a range of benefits from physical health to a better ability to navigate complex challenges, at work or home. A study by Harvard Business Review found that, “fewer than 20% of leaders have a… READ MORE >

The World Comes to Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School

Over three days, Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School (CBOBS) welcomed the Outward Bound International (OBI) Board and Committee of Executive Directors for their semi-annual board meeting. With programs running in 34 countries and six continents, it was an honor for CBOBS to host this group and highlight our work and impact across the Baltimore and… READ MORE >

Bridging a Different Gap

I remember the moment clearly. I was standing in front of my 4th grade class giving a lesson on honesty. I remember thinking, “why should they believe me?”  Honesty is really hard! It requires courage, integrity, self-confidence, and so much more. How could I give my students an experience that helped them see the value… READ MORE >

Our 2022 Blue Heron Educator Award Winners

The Blue Heron Educator Award is designed to recognize educators who embody the characteristics of agility, integrity, compassion, and perseverance, and have gone above and beyond to inspire those same traits in their students—both in and out of the classroom. CBOBS recognizes two educators every year from their two core markets—Baltimore and Washington, DC. The… READ MORE >

A Unique ROTC Program Finishes its First Year

A new ROTC program and partnership wraps up its first year with Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) cadets from Bowie State University and University of Maryland completing a five-day wilderness expedition on the Appalachian Trail. The week-long challenge was the final step in the first year of the Building Bridges program. The program kicked off with… READ MORE >